Sunday, April 7, 2013

idioms and slangs

hello guys, last holiday when i went to english village, me and my friends went to a bookstore there. and we interested with one book about idioms and slangs. and we bought it.....

idioms is a phrase which means can not be inferred or interpreted for word from every word that compose. idiom can be confusing for those of you who are just learning the language, specially english and you are not familiar with it. i'll give you some examples and the meaning with indonesian language guysss....
1. on and off : sekali-kali
2. quit that! : hentikan itu
3. rain cats and dogs : hujan lebat sekali
4. rake-off : potongan harga
5. stick someone : mencurangi/menipu
6. take a bow : menundukkan kepala
7. topsy-turvy : kacau-balau
8. trade in : tukar tambah
9. just my luck : celakalah saya
10. say grace : berdoa sebelum atau sesudah makan

slangs is english expressions that are not raw or more often called in indonesian slang. the use of slang is generally not found in formal communication both for writing and pronunciation but people generally use it in daily communication. i'll give the slangs examples too guys...
1. ass out : bokek
2. o gee : masya allah
3. quit with one : tidak menang dan tidak kalah
4. wishy-washy : plin-plan
5. bogey : upil
6. bingo : tepat
7. blah-blah : omong kosong
8. phat : bagus sekali
9. no way jose : itu tidak mungkin
10. no hassle : tidak apa-apa

sorry guys, i just give you a few examples of there are both, because it's too much if i wirte down here.

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