hi guys.... because i'm a moslem, today is the first day in ramadhan and the first day i'm fasting. in this month i have so many invitation for the iftar with all of my friends. there are my classmate in the first grade of senior high school, my classmate in the second and third grade of senior high school, my closefriends in junior high school, with my classmate of elementary school, with smansa semarang 2012 and many more. it is like a reunion..... and it will spend much money, but no problem.....
forgive me for everything. and happy fasting for all of you guys for those who celebrate it too.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
we are cool, ice cubes are jealous
okay, in this time i wanna speak indonesian. so sorry for you all guys, if you don't understand indonesian language.
okeee langsung aja deh, jadiiii kali ini aku mau cerita abis2an tentang sahabat2 terbaik aku dah pokoknya. sahabat yang pernah ada dan selalu ada buat aku. ya emang, walaupun kita udah gak bareng lagi tapi jiwa raga kita tetep bareng.... apadeh. oke lanjut.
sauma itu sahabat baik aku banget. gimana nggak kita udah temenan dari smp, kita satu smp gitu deh, terus sma satu sekolah lagi dan selama tiga tahun di sma kita sekelas terusssss coba, gatau juga itu gimana bisa. padahal kan kelas selalu diacak gitu. dan kita juga tetanggaan. rumah kita satu komplek gitu cuma beda rt doang sih tapi tetep aja deket banget. jalan kesana gak ada 5 menit mennn. dia phobia banget sama kecoa, sampe2 kalo ada kecoa dirumahnya nih ya dia rela banget bbm aku dan suruh dateng kerumahnya cuma suruh bunuh kecoaaa. emang kocak banget dah tuh orang. oh iya sauma itu asli pontianak jadi kalo ngomong agak melayu2 gitu deh, dia celat juga huruf "d" dan "n" emang aneh deh.
sauma itu orangnya baik (pasti), pinter, pendengar yang baik juga, solusi2nya juga gak kalah t-o-p deh. sauma easy going bangetlah, kamarnya paling enak dijadiin tempat ngumpul2 sambil bawa makanan macem2 gitu. oh iya sauma itu penghayal banget mimpinya aku akuin jempol banget deh, sampe pernah nih kita kan ke kampung inggris pare gitu ya, terus malem2 kita ngomong2 berdua karena kita sekamar, terus dia cerita mimpi dia masalah suaminya nanti anak dan lainlain pokoknya. dia sekarang kuliah di fakultas hukum undip.
selain itu ya, kebaikan sauma yang gak bakal aku lupain adalah dia selalu nebengin aku pulang pergi sekolah pas sma, supeerrrr banget gak sih itu orang. gara2nya dulu emang aku gak bisa ngendarain motor kan ya, terus aku suka nebeng gitu bayangin aja selama 3 tahun sma mennn. kita jatoh dari motor, jatoh bareng deh. banyak banget deh kebaikan sauma yang gak bisa aku ceritain semua disini. pokoknya loveyoufull dah sau. tetep jadi temenku dan temen2 yang lain juga ya sau.
kalo kalian mau tau sosok doi bisa follow @saumaristi.
okeee, fara juga gak kalah baik pokoknya. walaupun aku baru kenal dia kelas 2 sma tapi kita juga deket banget. dia orangnya itu baik banget, pinter, kayak ibu banget ngemong gitu deh. enak juga diajak curhat. biasanya dia itu dipanggil "cicik" entah darimana itu bisa namanya jadi gitu padahal dia keturunan tionghoa juga nggak loh.
cicik itu sahabat aku yang rumahnya paling pesisir deh pokoknya sampe2 kitakita jarang banget maen kerumahnya. bayangin aja kalo kerumahnya itu harus ngelawatin jalanan yang udah kayak off road, belom lagi lewatin rel kereta yang gak ada palangnya dan banyak kerikil yang bikin kepleset-kepleset gitu kalo lewat. sampe2 kalo aku sama sauma ke rumah cicik kalo lewat rel itu kita bagi tugas ada yang nengok kanan dan ada nengok kiri. ngeri banget kan. ada sih jalan lain ke rumah cicik, tapi jalannya itu lawannya truk2 yang super gede, bandingin aja sama badanku sama rodanya aja gede rodanya loh....
cicik itu sahabat aku yang paling perkasa, gimana nggak coba aja kalo diboncengin motor atau disetirin mobil sama dia dan pas lagi buru2 gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! parah banget jantung udah kayak mau copot, cuma bisa nahan nafas dan nahan kentut, dan pengen banget teriak kenceng, nak jet coaster kalah banget deh, serasa mati suri deh pokoknya. oh iya cicik kuliahnya sama kayak sauma di fakultas hukum undip juga. cuma mereka doang tuh yang kuliahnya barengan.
naaaahhh, kalo kalian mau tau sosok doi yang nyetirnya super gila follow deh @farafaay. emang sih kalo di avatarnya kalian bakal liat sosok wanita berkerudung biasa tapi dibalik kerudung itu cicik punya kegarangan yang super. pesen aku sama deh buat cicik tetep jadi temenku juga sampe kapanpun dan berharap banget kamu nyetir sante aja :'
oke, nadia adalah salah satu sahabat aku yang anak cheerleaders di sekolah. dan dia jadi yang dilempar2 gitu loh.... sampe pernah tangan kanannya patah gara2 cheerleaders juga. dia jatuh dari atas gitu. dia hobi lari juga deh sama kayak aku jadi sampe sekarang kalo kita ada waktu kita lari bareng gitu di gor.
nadia itu baik banget, polos juga, ya gitu deh kocak banget orangnya. masak pernah ya, aku diboncengin tuh sama dia naik motor terus kan lampu merah sebelah kita waktu itu ada bis dan dengan polosnya dia dia ngaca di bis itu daaaannn.... sang kernet bis buka pintunya dan mergonik si nadia ngaca. dan dengan begonya aku kaca helm aku dibuka dan ngeliatin kernet bis itu. bayangin aja yang ngaca nadia yang malu akuuuuu.... dia juga pernah teriak2 di lampu merah padahal cuma bilang "heh ikutin aku" gila banget kan ya.
nadia juga tingginya gak tinggi2 banget ya 11 12 sama aku lah walaupun dia yang lebih tinggi hahaha. oh iya banyak orang bilang juga kita mirip entah darimana. dia sekarang kuliah di polines jurusan akuntansi komputerisasi dan dia yang paling sibuk diantara kita2 setiap diajak main atau ngumpul gitu pasti pas lagi ada acara kampus atau organisasinya dia. oh iya dia sekarang dia ikut teater gitu hahahaah bayangin aja dia akting lucu aja..
twitter doi @nadiaherlina kalian bisa liat sosok dia deh disitu. buat nadia tetep jadi temen baikku juga, tetep hobi lari biar kita sering lari bareng, dan sering2 ikut main nah
rani adalah sahabat aku yang paling laki banget, suaranya ngebass super, pokoknya tomboy banget deh. dia baik banget juga, cueeeeek banget juga, paling susah move on dan temen aku yang paling suwung. dia bisa aja gak diundang gak ngabarin gak bilang tiba2 dateng dan udah ada di depan rumah gitu. gimana gak dibilang suwung hahaha.
rani sekarang udah jauh banget dia kuliah di ucsi malaysia dia ambil jurusan animasi 3d gitu kalo gasalah hahaa aku lupa deh kayaknya sih bener. dilihat dari jurusannya keliatan banget dia hobi seni gitu paling suka gambar dan kalo gambar bagus juga. aku juga pernah dibikinin tulisan nama aku gitu deh yang pernah aku post sebelumnya. oh iya kalo kalian masuk kamarnya gilaaaa gambar dimana2 dan mainan lego atau seni2 lainnya juga ada dikamarnya.
oh iya aku temenan sama rani juga dari smp loh jadi aku sauma rani dulu satu smp bedanya pas smp aku kayak segeng gitu sama rani tapi beda geng sama sauma maklum ya smp mainnya geng2an haahaha. terus pas sma aku pisah kelas sama rani dan dipertemukan lagi di kelas 2 sma. rani itu temen aku yang kalo marah ngeri banget, iphone, ipod atau bb bisa melayang kemana aja. tapi biarpun gitu dia gak pernah marah sama temennya sendiri walaupun gitu di hatinya hello kitty banget wkwk.
ini nih twitter si rani @ranikarno follow dah. buat rani sering-sering balik indonesia ya, jangan lupain kita-kita yang disini, tetep jadi temen kita yang baik pokoknya.
ngerasa aneh banget kalo manggil dian soalnya dia biasa dipanggil "hot" gara2nya dia dulu pas sma anak modern dance gitu dan kalo ngedance hot hahahaha gapaham deh. oke, hot itu temen aku yang agak alay hahaha canda deng tapi bener maap ya hot kalo baca tapi dia baik banget juga kok
hot itu salah satu sahabat aku yang telah menempuh perjalanan cinta paling banyak. pokoknya pengalaman cinta dia paling banyak hahaha secara dia gampang banget suka sama orang, dan dia temen yang gampang percaya banget sama orang makanya kita-kita suka nasehatin dia ngejagain dia pokoknya. oh iya dia juga punya suara yang cemprengnya luar biasa dan heboh banget. apalagi kalo ketemu mama aku gilaaaa hebohnya.
hot sekarang kuliah di lp3i dan dia baru aja punya adek lagi lucu banget deh. oh iya hot itu temen yang punya kontak bbm paling lengkap. kalo salah satu dari kita mau ngepoin orang pasti di kontak bbm si hot ada gatau kenapa deh ahahaha. oh iya tanggal ulang tahun aku sama si hot sama loh 27 januari cuma kita beda tahun aja lebih tua si hot 1 tahun ahahah. aku tau kalo kita ulangtahun sama gara2 waktu itu aku lagi pinjem hp si hot terus hpnya ada password gitu deh, aku tanyalah passwordnya apa eh dia ngasih tau "270194" awalnya sih aku gasadar, terus pas udah ngeh aku tanya dia itu tanggal lahir bukan, dan dia bilang iya dan aku juga bilang sama dan hebohnya kita seneng banget bisa sama gituuuuu. jadi kalo kita ulangtahun dicemplungin, dicemplungin bareng, dikerjain, dikerjain bareng, sampe pernah pulang kerumah bareng dengan keadaan yang udah gak karuan banget gara2 ulangtahun.
mau tau sosok hot? follow deh @anisadiaan . hooot, tetep jadi temenku ya biarpun kamu alay gpp deh hahaha yang penting tetep loveyou dahhhh
okeee itu 5 sahabat sma aku yang sering bareng-bareng. sebenernya masih banyak banget temen baik aku. aku nganggap temen sekelas aku ips 3 itu sahabat aku semua, tapi masak iya aku ceritain 28 anak satu2 disini. jadi segini dulu deh dari aku.
they are more than my best friends, we're like a family. kalo kata papa "sahabat yang baik itu keliatan pas kita lagi jatuh, terpuruk, sakit dan sebagainya. nggak dateng pas cuma kita sehat, kaya, dan sebagainya"
okeee langsung aja deh, jadiiii kali ini aku mau cerita abis2an tentang sahabat2 terbaik aku dah pokoknya. sahabat yang pernah ada dan selalu ada buat aku. ya emang, walaupun kita udah gak bareng lagi tapi jiwa raga kita tetep bareng.... apadeh. oke lanjut.
sauma itu sahabat baik aku banget. gimana nggak kita udah temenan dari smp, kita satu smp gitu deh, terus sma satu sekolah lagi dan selama tiga tahun di sma kita sekelas terusssss coba, gatau juga itu gimana bisa. padahal kan kelas selalu diacak gitu. dan kita juga tetanggaan. rumah kita satu komplek gitu cuma beda rt doang sih tapi tetep aja deket banget. jalan kesana gak ada 5 menit mennn. dia phobia banget sama kecoa, sampe2 kalo ada kecoa dirumahnya nih ya dia rela banget bbm aku dan suruh dateng kerumahnya cuma suruh bunuh kecoaaa. emang kocak banget dah tuh orang. oh iya sauma itu asli pontianak jadi kalo ngomong agak melayu2 gitu deh, dia celat juga huruf "d" dan "n" emang aneh deh.
sauma itu orangnya baik (pasti), pinter, pendengar yang baik juga, solusi2nya juga gak kalah t-o-p deh. sauma easy going bangetlah, kamarnya paling enak dijadiin tempat ngumpul2 sambil bawa makanan macem2 gitu. oh iya sauma itu penghayal banget mimpinya aku akuin jempol banget deh, sampe pernah nih kita kan ke kampung inggris pare gitu ya, terus malem2 kita ngomong2 berdua karena kita sekamar, terus dia cerita mimpi dia masalah suaminya nanti anak dan lainlain pokoknya. dia sekarang kuliah di fakultas hukum undip.
selain itu ya, kebaikan sauma yang gak bakal aku lupain adalah dia selalu nebengin aku pulang pergi sekolah pas sma, supeerrrr banget gak sih itu orang. gara2nya dulu emang aku gak bisa ngendarain motor kan ya, terus aku suka nebeng gitu bayangin aja selama 3 tahun sma mennn. kita jatoh dari motor, jatoh bareng deh. banyak banget deh kebaikan sauma yang gak bisa aku ceritain semua disini. pokoknya loveyoufull dah sau. tetep jadi temenku dan temen2 yang lain juga ya sau.
kalo kalian mau tau sosok doi bisa follow @saumaristi.
okeee, fara juga gak kalah baik pokoknya. walaupun aku baru kenal dia kelas 2 sma tapi kita juga deket banget. dia orangnya itu baik banget, pinter, kayak ibu banget ngemong gitu deh. enak juga diajak curhat. biasanya dia itu dipanggil "cicik" entah darimana itu bisa namanya jadi gitu padahal dia keturunan tionghoa juga nggak loh.
cicik itu sahabat aku yang rumahnya paling pesisir deh pokoknya sampe2 kitakita jarang banget maen kerumahnya. bayangin aja kalo kerumahnya itu harus ngelawatin jalanan yang udah kayak off road, belom lagi lewatin rel kereta yang gak ada palangnya dan banyak kerikil yang bikin kepleset-kepleset gitu kalo lewat. sampe2 kalo aku sama sauma ke rumah cicik kalo lewat rel itu kita bagi tugas ada yang nengok kanan dan ada nengok kiri. ngeri banget kan. ada sih jalan lain ke rumah cicik, tapi jalannya itu lawannya truk2 yang super gede, bandingin aja sama badanku sama rodanya aja gede rodanya loh....
cicik itu sahabat aku yang paling perkasa, gimana nggak coba aja kalo diboncengin motor atau disetirin mobil sama dia dan pas lagi buru2 gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! parah banget jantung udah kayak mau copot, cuma bisa nahan nafas dan nahan kentut, dan pengen banget teriak kenceng, nak jet coaster kalah banget deh, serasa mati suri deh pokoknya. oh iya cicik kuliahnya sama kayak sauma di fakultas hukum undip juga. cuma mereka doang tuh yang kuliahnya barengan.
naaaahhh, kalo kalian mau tau sosok doi yang nyetirnya super gila follow deh @farafaay. emang sih kalo di avatarnya kalian bakal liat sosok wanita berkerudung biasa tapi dibalik kerudung itu cicik punya kegarangan yang super. pesen aku sama deh buat cicik tetep jadi temenku juga sampe kapanpun dan berharap banget kamu nyetir sante aja :'
oke, nadia adalah salah satu sahabat aku yang anak cheerleaders di sekolah. dan dia jadi yang dilempar2 gitu loh.... sampe pernah tangan kanannya patah gara2 cheerleaders juga. dia jatuh dari atas gitu. dia hobi lari juga deh sama kayak aku jadi sampe sekarang kalo kita ada waktu kita lari bareng gitu di gor.
nadia itu baik banget, polos juga, ya gitu deh kocak banget orangnya. masak pernah ya, aku diboncengin tuh sama dia naik motor terus kan lampu merah sebelah kita waktu itu ada bis dan dengan polosnya dia dia ngaca di bis itu daaaannn.... sang kernet bis buka pintunya dan mergonik si nadia ngaca. dan dengan begonya aku kaca helm aku dibuka dan ngeliatin kernet bis itu. bayangin aja yang ngaca nadia yang malu akuuuuu.... dia juga pernah teriak2 di lampu merah padahal cuma bilang "heh ikutin aku" gila banget kan ya.
nadia juga tingginya gak tinggi2 banget ya 11 12 sama aku lah walaupun dia yang lebih tinggi hahaha. oh iya banyak orang bilang juga kita mirip entah darimana. dia sekarang kuliah di polines jurusan akuntansi komputerisasi dan dia yang paling sibuk diantara kita2 setiap diajak main atau ngumpul gitu pasti pas lagi ada acara kampus atau organisasinya dia. oh iya dia sekarang dia ikut teater gitu hahahaah bayangin aja dia akting lucu aja..
twitter doi @nadiaherlina kalian bisa liat sosok dia deh disitu. buat nadia tetep jadi temen baikku juga, tetep hobi lari biar kita sering lari bareng, dan sering2 ikut main nah
rani adalah sahabat aku yang paling laki banget, suaranya ngebass super, pokoknya tomboy banget deh. dia baik banget juga, cueeeeek banget juga, paling susah move on dan temen aku yang paling suwung. dia bisa aja gak diundang gak ngabarin gak bilang tiba2 dateng dan udah ada di depan rumah gitu. gimana gak dibilang suwung hahaha.
rani sekarang udah jauh banget dia kuliah di ucsi malaysia dia ambil jurusan animasi 3d gitu kalo gasalah hahaa aku lupa deh kayaknya sih bener. dilihat dari jurusannya keliatan banget dia hobi seni gitu paling suka gambar dan kalo gambar bagus juga. aku juga pernah dibikinin tulisan nama aku gitu deh yang pernah aku post sebelumnya. oh iya kalo kalian masuk kamarnya gilaaaa gambar dimana2 dan mainan lego atau seni2 lainnya juga ada dikamarnya.
oh iya aku temenan sama rani juga dari smp loh jadi aku sauma rani dulu satu smp bedanya pas smp aku kayak segeng gitu sama rani tapi beda geng sama sauma maklum ya smp mainnya geng2an haahaha. terus pas sma aku pisah kelas sama rani dan dipertemukan lagi di kelas 2 sma. rani itu temen aku yang kalo marah ngeri banget, iphone, ipod atau bb bisa melayang kemana aja. tapi biarpun gitu dia gak pernah marah sama temennya sendiri walaupun gitu di hatinya hello kitty banget wkwk.
ini nih twitter si rani @ranikarno follow dah. buat rani sering-sering balik indonesia ya, jangan lupain kita-kita yang disini, tetep jadi temen kita yang baik pokoknya.
ngerasa aneh banget kalo manggil dian soalnya dia biasa dipanggil "hot" gara2nya dia dulu pas sma anak modern dance gitu dan kalo ngedance hot hahahaha gapaham deh. oke, hot itu temen aku yang agak alay hahaha canda deng tapi bener maap ya hot kalo baca tapi dia baik banget juga kok
hot itu salah satu sahabat aku yang telah menempuh perjalanan cinta paling banyak. pokoknya pengalaman cinta dia paling banyak hahaha secara dia gampang banget suka sama orang, dan dia temen yang gampang percaya banget sama orang makanya kita-kita suka nasehatin dia ngejagain dia pokoknya. oh iya dia juga punya suara yang cemprengnya luar biasa dan heboh banget. apalagi kalo ketemu mama aku gilaaaa hebohnya.
hot sekarang kuliah di lp3i dan dia baru aja punya adek lagi lucu banget deh. oh iya hot itu temen yang punya kontak bbm paling lengkap. kalo salah satu dari kita mau ngepoin orang pasti di kontak bbm si hot ada gatau kenapa deh ahahaha. oh iya tanggal ulang tahun aku sama si hot sama loh 27 januari cuma kita beda tahun aja lebih tua si hot 1 tahun ahahah. aku tau kalo kita ulangtahun sama gara2 waktu itu aku lagi pinjem hp si hot terus hpnya ada password gitu deh, aku tanyalah passwordnya apa eh dia ngasih tau "270194" awalnya sih aku gasadar, terus pas udah ngeh aku tanya dia itu tanggal lahir bukan, dan dia bilang iya dan aku juga bilang sama dan hebohnya kita seneng banget bisa sama gituuuuu. jadi kalo kita ulangtahun dicemplungin, dicemplungin bareng, dikerjain, dikerjain bareng, sampe pernah pulang kerumah bareng dengan keadaan yang udah gak karuan banget gara2 ulangtahun.
mau tau sosok hot? follow deh @anisadiaan . hooot, tetep jadi temenku ya biarpun kamu alay gpp deh hahaha yang penting tetep loveyou dahhhh
they are more than my best friends, we're like a family. kalo kata papa "sahabat yang baik itu keliatan pas kita lagi jatuh, terpuruk, sakit dan sebagainya. nggak dateng pas cuma kita sehat, kaya, dan sebagainya"
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
final exam!!
oh my god..... this is a middle of june that's mean june will over and the final examination in the second semester will comeeeee!!!! need more spirit for this. i know i can do my best for my final exam.
say thanks to arfia
hi guys.... i think you all guys will be wondering about this post. as you know about this one, the tittle is "say thanks to arfia"... who is arfia? and why i said thanks to her? okay guys don't worry, i wanna tell you all about this one.
you can see the picture? yes that picture is my face. and that is was made by my female cousin. her name is ARFIA HAPSEKAR LARASATI you can find her on facebook with that username guys. she is 19 yo. and she is the student of telkom university in bandung, west java, indonesia. her major is visual communication design. and i wanna say thank you so badly to you sistaaaa..... that is an awesome picture!!!! surely, i love this pict so much.
maybe if you all guys interest with her design you can contact her how to make it guys. if you want to know her more follow her
twitter : @arfiahl
instagram : @_ahl
you can see another picture by her on her instagram guys
Thursday, June 13, 2013
special day for a special man
hello guyss.... you know? today is my father's birthday. yes june 13th. actually, i'm so sad because in his birthday he is not in my side. but no problem, i still love him so much. i don't have something special for him but i have a special birthday greeting. although i gave him a romantic birthday greeting, i know my father is not a romantic man. he just say "aamiin and thankyou" :| hahaahaha.
happy birthday for my beloved dad, we always love you.
he is one of the two most important people of my life. someone i love with all my heart. he is my friend, my hero, but the most importantly he is my.... FATHER.
-sincerely : your awesome daughter-
Friday, June 7, 2013
meet up
hai guyssss... last evening i met up with my senior high school. oh my god we're did something crazy today. we laugh together, pray together, we're sleepy together because we must waiting for two of our friend had meeting, and the crazy night with death-defying because one of my friend drove her car so fassssstttttt you know. oh yes i forget of course we took photos together guyssss... love you guys and i'll miss you so badly sauma, fara, nadia, dian, dela and vina. you're rock!
Monday, June 3, 2013
walk around the city
hey guys, after we came to a concert two days ago, prita and monick slept in my house. actually this is my first time sleep over in my room. and in the morning monick must go to the church, and prita and i waiting for her. in the afternoon we went to blendug church to took my umbrella because monick forgot to brought it back to my home -___-
theeennnn. we went to dapur keju, because we just brought not too much money so we just bought a drink or ice. and we went to massimo and we ate pizza guyssss.... that is a tiring day i think. oh yaaa, we took some photos too.
theeennnn. we went to dapur keju, because we just brought not too much money so we just bought a drink or ice. and we went to massimo and we ate pizza guyssss.... that is a tiring day i think. oh yaaa, we took some photos too.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
soul in diversity
hai guys, last night i came to an awesome concert. it called "soul in diversity" and the guest star a jazz singer. and i love jazz music guys. he is..... TULUS!!!!! and he sang all of his song in his album!!! what a great night right! we just pay 35.000 ruapiahs and we can saw and hear his voice oh my gooodddd. i came to this event with two of my new friends, they are monick and prita. they are the best buddies along in my college.
Monday, May 13, 2013
june's event
hello guys.... you know? in june 2013. there are great event in semarang guys.... and i can't wait for that. in first june 2013, there is TULUS (indonesian's singer), in 15th june 2013 there is RAISA (indonesian's singer) and in the last june 28th 2013 there is..... MALIQ & D'ESSENTIAL, SHEILA ON 7, and PAYUNG TEDUH. ther are my favoriteeeeeee a lot guys.
i know that event from my new friends, they are monick and prita. they invited me to watch that. and don't take to long time i accepted their request!!!! wohooooowww. that will be an awesome event i think. but i don't watch raisa because that is so far from my house guys but no problem we will watch tulus, maliq, sheila on 7 and payung teduh.
for surely, skip this month pleaseeee.... i can't wait for that!!!!! we will rock!!
i know that event from my new friends, they are monick and prita. they invited me to watch that. and don't take to long time i accepted their request!!!! wohooooowww. that will be an awesome event i think. but i don't watch raisa because that is so far from my house guys but no problem we will watch tulus, maliq, sheila on 7 and payung teduh.
for surely, skip this month pleaseeee.... i can't wait for that!!!!! we will rock!!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
happy birthday semarang
hai guys! today is the speacial day for semarang city, the capital of central java, indonesia. why???? because today is 466th birthday of semarang guys. how old this city! right... in the special day of semarang. semarang create so many great event guys, such as semarang night carnival, great sale, and many more...
i just wanna say
i just wanna say
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
hi guys, in this night i found a cool and funny quotes and i wanna share to all of you guys
lost your pen = no pen
no pen = no note
no note = no study
no study = fail
fail = no diploma
no diploma = no work
no work = no money
no money = no food
no food = skinny
skinny = ugly
ugly = no love
no love = no marriage
no marriage = no children
no children = alone
alone = depression
depression = sickness
sickness = death
so..... don't lose your pen, you will die
okay guys, there is just for a joke. don't trust with that quote. and this one is the true quote from my beloved dad. he send me a text in blackberry messenger. actually, he always send me some quotes and i always love his quote
"time is like a river. we can't touch the same water for the second time, because the water has flowed will continue to pass and will never go back"
- Nugroho Lelono
visual aids and power point
visual aids are an important part of many presentations. the most commonly used media are the flipchart and computer based presentation programs. here are some suggestions for making the most your visual aids such as flipchart, computer based audio visual
keep your visual aids:
keep your visual aids:
- visible
- simple
- colorful, but don't let them upstage you
- justified by the content not too many or too few slides
for effective powerpoint shows :
- don't read the slides to your audience!
- make your text large
- choose colors that make the text easier to read
- use bullet points instead of full sentences
- don't let the text or graphics fly around too much
- avoid charts and diagrams that are hard to see
most importantly : remember, you control the presentation, don't let it control you. powerpoint should be a "visual aid" not the entire show
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
coto makassar
coto makassar or coto mangkasara (makassarese) is an indonesian culinary food originating from makassar, south sulawesi or south celebes indonesia. it is a soup with seasoning broth made from starch. the main content of this soup is beef and it can be mixed with innards such as intestine, liver, lungs, heart, tripe, or cow brain. coto makassar is usually served with burasa or ketupat.
my mother always cooked this delicious food in the eid day. and she cooked burasa and ketupat also. i love this food actually because this one is from my hometown and when i was child my grandma usually cooked this for me. if you want to try coto makassar maybe you can visit makassar's resto or come to my home in the eid day
my mother always cooked this delicious food in the eid day. and she cooked burasa and ketupat also. i love this food actually because this one is from my hometown and when i was child my grandma usually cooked this for me. if you want to try coto makassar maybe you can visit makassar's resto or come to my home in the eid day
body language on speech
here's how you can incorporate appropriate body language into your speeches :
- start with eye contact. being prepared, having control of your message is a prerequisite for being able to project and establish a bond with the audience. don't just pass your gaze throughout the room; try to focus on individual listeners and create a bond with them by looking them directly in the eyes for five to 10 second
- smile!
- express emotion with your facial muscles. for inspiration, take a look at the the human face, a bbc documentary narrated by john cleese of monty phyton fame, now available on dvd
- avoid distracting mannerisms. have a friend watch as you practice and look for nervous expressions such as fidgeting, twitching, lip biting, key jigling, hands in pockets or behind the back
- telling a story? highlight the action verbs and look for ways to act out one or more parts. speaking about marathon running? run a few steps
- stay true to your personality. don't copy gestures from a book or other speaker, but respond naturally to what you feel and say
- make gestures convincing. every hand gesture should be total body movement that starts from the shoulder never from the elbow. half-hearted gestures look artificial
- vary your speaking position by moving from one spot on the stage to another. for example, walk o the other side of the stage as you move to a new topic or move toward the audience as you ask a question
Monday, April 29, 2013
maroon 5 is an american pop rock band from los angeles, california. the group originally formed in 1994 as kara's flowers while they were still attending high school. with a line-up of adam levine, jesse carmichael, mickey madden and ryan dusick, they signed to reprise record and released an album, the fourth world in 1997. after a tepid response to the album, the band parted with their record label and attended college. in 2001, the band regrouped and added james valentine to the lineup and pursued a new direction under the name maroon 5.
so many songs of maroon 5 that i love. there are daylight, payphone, she will be loved, give a little more, misery, won't go home without you, and many more. and absolutely there are so recommended for you all as the best songs.
so many songs of maroon 5 that i love. there are daylight, payphone, she will be loved, give a little more, misery, won't go home without you, and many more. and absolutely there are so recommended for you all as the best songs.
conquer the fears of speaking
here are some suggestions for the speaker to conquer his or her fears of speaking.
- be prepared. there is no substitute for preparation. practice your speech, revise, and then practice again
- pick out friendly faces to speak to. these pleasant expressions will inspire you and help you relax
- think positive things about your content. one of my favorite thoughts is, "this information will be helpful to this audience" repeat this statement to yourself several times before you speak
- have a great opening line that you know will grab the attention of your audience.
- pause before you begin to speak as you make eye contact with those friendly faces
- include a personal experience early in you speech. you are most comfortable relating a story
Sunday, April 28, 2013
public speaking
what is public speaking? it is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner, intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners.
public speaking is challenging for those of us who want to influence people
the objective of public speaking
public speaking is challenging for those of us who want to influence people
the objective of public speaking
- informative : this is to provide listeners with new information
- persuasive : this is to change, either in direction or strength, the attitudes or behaviors of our listeners
- entertaining : this is to provide the listeners with momentary entertainment
nusakambangan island

for the mid 199os, the island was intermittently promoted by local authorities as a tourist destination, primarily for its caves, beaches, and unusual wildlife that is extinct on java. notable attractions include permisan beach with its beautiful white and gray sands near the permisan jail lighthouse, ranca babakan on the west coast of the island, white sands beach and several caves such as a quess's cave.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
the mainly tourist destinations are beaches and islands/islets. the beaches are tanjung tinggi beach and tanjung kelayang beach which both have blue clear water, sand, and rocky beaches. the islands/islets are batu berlayar island which full of granite, pasir island which is made of sand and submerged during high tide, bird islet (pulau burong) which can be accessed from tanjung binga beach by walking when low tide, lengkuas island which is home of 129 years old lighthouse and a good lace for snorkeling, babi island and kelayang islet
instagram is an online photo sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures, apply digital filters to them, and share them on a variety of social networking services, such as facebook or twitter. a distinctive feature is that it conficnes photos to a square shape similar to kodak instamatic and polaroid images, in contrast to the 16:9 aspect ratio now typically used by mobile device cameras
all you guys, you can follow my instagram @fatmawn . you can show all of pictures that i pick by myself. and maybe you can give your heart to my pictures.
all you guys, you can follow my instagram @fatmawn . you can show all of pictures that i pick by myself. and maybe you can give your heart to my pictures.
Friday, April 26, 2013
hi guys. it is about my favorite singer. yes you can see my tittle of this post, she is.... adele laurie blue adkins that the better known simply as adele. adele is an english singer, songwriter, musician and multi-instrumentalist. and she is a simple singer i think. if she perform she just wear a black dress.
so many songs that i love from adele. there are someone like you, don't you remember, one and only, chasing pavements, skyfall, set fire to the rain, best for last, crazy for you, cold shoulder, daydreamer, he won't go, hiding my heart, make you feel my love, i found a boy, rumour has it, and tired. yes, there are my favorites. and there are so recommended song for you all.
so many songs that i love from adele. there are someone like you, don't you remember, one and only, chasing pavements, skyfall, set fire to the rain, best for last, crazy for you, cold shoulder, daydreamer, he won't go, hiding my heart, make you feel my love, i found a boy, rumour has it, and tired. yes, there are my favorites. and there are so recommended song for you all.
" i don't make music for eyes, i make music for ears"
- Adele
mid examination
hello guys, you know what? in this week until next week i have a mid examination. this is a examination in the mid of semester. i don't know i must happy or sad or something like that. and i think you know what should i do. yes..... STUDY!!! it is just a one way to get the best score in second semester in the collage. there are so many course that i must did in mid exam guys.
so you want to know what the course that i must did in mid exam? okay i wanna tell you, there are accounting, marketing management, organization behavior, english business, macro economics, micro economics, citizenship education, environmental education, statistics, information and communication technology, and the last one is entrepreneurship. you know guys? the last one is my favorite course in this semester because it is about a business and i love business very much. okay, last of may word i hope i have a best score for this mid examination. and i hope you guys pray for me.
so you want to know what the course that i must did in mid exam? okay i wanna tell you, there are accounting, marketing management, organization behavior, english business, macro economics, micro economics, citizenship education, environmental education, statistics, information and communication technology, and the last one is entrepreneurship. you know guys? the last one is my favorite course in this semester because it is about a business and i love business very much. okay, last of may word i hope i have a best score for this mid examination. and i hope you guys pray for me.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
wingko babat
wingko, which is sometimes called wingko babat is a traditional javanese pancake like snack made from coconut. and you can find this in semarang. it is a kind of cake made mainly of coconut and other ingredients. wingko is popular especially along the north coast of java islands, indonesia. it is sold mostly by peddlers on trains, at bus or train station or in the producer's own shop. this might explain why it's very popular in java to use wingko as a gift to families upon returning from traveling.
wingko is typically a round, almost hard coconut cake that is typically served in warm, small pieces. wingko is sold either in the form of a large plate sized cake or small, paper wrapped cakes. it's delicious due to the combined sweetness of sugar and the unique, fresh taste of crispy coconut. the price varies, depending on where it's sold. the more famous the brand of cake, the more expensive the cake. your bargaining skills might lower the price a little.
wingko is typically a round, almost hard coconut cake that is typically served in warm, small pieces. wingko is sold either in the form of a large plate sized cake or small, paper wrapped cakes. it's delicious due to the combined sweetness of sugar and the unique, fresh taste of crispy coconut. the price varies, depending on where it's sold. the more famous the brand of cake, the more expensive the cake. your bargaining skills might lower the price a little.
tv show

why i love this tv show? because it make me refresh after i did my daily activity in every day. you can laugh of loud because this tv show. because they act like a crazy people you know. in this comedy tv show there are dalang, sinden (singer), and wayang (the actor). and sometimes there are a guest stars.
you must watch this one guys. if you aren't indonesian people you can watch this in youtube ;)
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
how to make fried rice
hi guys... just a simple way to make fried rice. and it's recommended for your breakfast.
1. prepare 4 cups of cooked rice, if you haven't done so already
2. wash the vegetables. dice the carrots and onions. set them aside.
3. add oil and turn the burner on, setting to medium heat
4. toss the vegetables into the pan for about 3 minutes. you want the vegetables to "sweat", not brown. add 1 teaspoon for salt into the pain.
5. incorporate the cooked chicken or shrimp into the rest of the ingredients (optional). because fried rice is a quick way to get rid of common items in your pantry or refrigerator, the chicken, shrimp, or pork is usually already cooked. if you want to incorporate protein into your fried rice, however and don't have anything already cooked, dice or shred some meat (leave shrimp whole, but be sure to wash and de-vein them) and saute it with a bit of oil until cooked over medium heat.
6. put a bit more oil into the frying pan
7. add the eggs to the pan. you can either scramble it with the other ingredients or scrape everything to the side and quickly cook the eggs in the middle of the pan.
8. toss the rice in carefully. fry for about two minutes, just enough to heat up the rice and mix all the ingredients together. add approximately 2 to 3 tablespoons of soy sauce and fry for another 30 seconds. remove pan from burner.
9. put the fried rice on a dish and serve immediately
and you get your fried rice guys.
kapurung is one of the traditional food in south sulawesi, especially the area luwu (palopo, luwu, north luwu, luwu) the food is made from cider or corn strach. in an area known as the moluccas papeda. kapurung cooked with a mixture of fish or chicken and various vegetables. although traditional food, kapurung became popular. in addition to be found in special stalls in makassar also has entered into several restaurants, side by side with local modern. in luwu own food kapurung name is often also called pugalu.
when i was in makassar, my mother's friend usually gave me kapurung. and i love this food so much guysss...
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
seven P's
the seven P's of marketing mix are :
1. price
there are many ways to price a product, and the price can be different in order to appeal to different segments of the market.
2. place
this is also known as the channel, distribution channel or intermediary. it is a mechanism trough which goods and services are moved from the company to the consumer.
3. product
a product is not simply the tangible, physical entity that may be bought or sold it is also the ideas and emotions associated with the product.
4. promotion
this can be personal selling, direct mail, sponsorship and advertising
5. people
people are the most important element of any service or experience. staff training and customer service are the 'people' part of marketing mix.
6. process
the process is what the customer participates in at different points during their experience with a product or a service. for example, when you book a flight on the internet, first you visit the website. then, you information about the destination. then, you book a flight. lastly, at the airport you check in desk and get your flight. this is part of marketing.
7. physical evidence
physical evidence includes all the thing associated with the product or company, the packaging, internet sites, brochures, logos, building, business cards, etc.
1. price
there are many ways to price a product, and the price can be different in order to appeal to different segments of the market.
2. place
this is also known as the channel, distribution channel or intermediary. it is a mechanism trough which goods and services are moved from the company to the consumer.
3. product
a product is not simply the tangible, physical entity that may be bought or sold it is also the ideas and emotions associated with the product.
4. promotion
this can be personal selling, direct mail, sponsorship and advertising
5. people
people are the most important element of any service or experience. staff training and customer service are the 'people' part of marketing mix.
6. process
the process is what the customer participates in at different points during their experience with a product or a service. for example, when you book a flight on the internet, first you visit the website. then, you information about the destination. then, you book a flight. lastly, at the airport you check in desk and get your flight. this is part of marketing.
7. physical evidence
physical evidence includes all the thing associated with the product or company, the packaging, internet sites, brochures, logos, building, business cards, etc.
marketing mix
what is marketing mix? the definition that many marketers learn as they start out in the industry is :
putting the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time.
the marketing mix is traditionally known as the four P's : price, place, product and promotion. but these days, many include three more elements (people, process and physical evidence) to make it the seven P's.
Monday, April 22, 2013
advertisement defition from kotler and keller (2006:526) say that advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor.
jefkins (1994:5) says that advertising is a persuasive marketing message to sell particular goods and services with competitive price for potential buyers.
the function of advertisements are :
jefkins (1994:5) says that advertising is a persuasive marketing message to sell particular goods and services with competitive price for potential buyers.
the function of advertisements are :
- informative advertising aims to create brand awareness and knowledge of new products or new features of existing products.
- persuasive advertising aims to create liking, preference, conviction and purchase of a product or service
- reminder advertising aims to stimulate repeat purchase of products and services.
- reinforcement advertising aims to convince current purchasers that they made the right choice
earth day
hi guys... i think most of you know about this day. yes, today is earth day guys. earth day is an annual day on which events are held worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection. earth day is observed on april 22 each year.
the april 22 date was designated as international mother earth day by a consensus resolution adopted by the united nations in 2009. earth day is now coordinated globally by the earth day network and is celebrated in more than 192 countries every year.
the theme homescreen of google is about earth day also guys. it is attract people to know about earth day including me.... i think most of you know that we must save our earth and stop global warming guys...
the april 22 date was designated as international mother earth day by a consensus resolution adopted by the united nations in 2009. earth day is now coordinated globally by the earth day network and is celebrated in more than 192 countries every year.
the theme homescreen of google is about earth day also guys. it is attract people to know about earth day including me.... i think most of you know that we must save our earth and stop global warming guys...
Sunday, April 21, 2013
manadonese porridge (bubur manado)
hi guys... i wanna share about one of my favorite food again and again. this food is come from sulawesi or celebes, indonesia. it is..... tinutuan or bubur manado or in english you can call it manadonese porridge. and last morning, my mom cooked it for our breakfast.
tinutuan or bubur manado or manadonese porridge is a rice porridge mixes with various vegetables such as spinach, kangkung, corn, pumpkin, and sweet potato or cassave. tinutuan is from manado, north celebes/north sulawesi, indonesia. some people also said that it is from minahasa, north sulawesi, indonesia.
etimology of the word tinutuan is unknown. also, the exact time when tinutuan found is still unclear. someone said it was popular since 1970, while another said that it was since 1981. local government of manado made tinutuan as icon of the manado city. tinutuan is usually served as breakfast, with many additional foods, such as salted fish, sambal, fried union.
tinutuan or bubur manado or manadonese porridge is a rice porridge mixes with various vegetables such as spinach, kangkung, corn, pumpkin, and sweet potato or cassave. tinutuan is from manado, north celebes/north sulawesi, indonesia. some people also said that it is from minahasa, north sulawesi, indonesia.
etimology of the word tinutuan is unknown. also, the exact time when tinutuan found is still unclear. someone said it was popular since 1970, while another said that it was since 1981. local government of manado made tinutuan as icon of the manado city. tinutuan is usually served as breakfast, with many additional foods, such as salted fish, sambal, fried union.
kartini day
hello guys... today, april 21st and indonesian people was celebrate kartini day. i think some of you don't know about kartini. don't worry i'll tell you as usual...
kartini was a prominent javanese and an Indonesian national heroine. kartini was a pioneer in the area of women's rights for indonesians.
sukarno's old order state declared april 21st as kartini day to remind that women that they should participate in "the hegemonic state discourse of development". after 1965 however, suharto's new order state reconfigured the image of kartini from that of radical women's emancipator to one that potrayed her as dutiful wife and obedient daughter, "as only a woman dressed in kebaya who can cook". on that occasion, popularly known as Mother Kartini Day, "young girls were to wear tight, fitter jackets, batik shirts, elaborate hairstyle, and ornate jewelry to school, supposedly replicating Kartini's attired but in reality invented and more constricting ensemble than she ever did.
kartini was a prominent javanese and an Indonesian national heroine. kartini was a pioneer in the area of women's rights for indonesians.
sukarno's old order state declared april 21st as kartini day to remind that women that they should participate in "the hegemonic state discourse of development". after 1965 however, suharto's new order state reconfigured the image of kartini from that of radical women's emancipator to one that potrayed her as dutiful wife and obedient daughter, "as only a woman dressed in kebaya who can cook". on that occasion, popularly known as Mother Kartini Day, "young girls were to wear tight, fitter jackets, batik shirts, elaborate hairstyle, and ornate jewelry to school, supposedly replicating Kartini's attired but in reality invented and more constricting ensemble than she ever did.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
hi all of you guysss.... you know this is saturday night in indonesia guys. and i didn't have anything plan to go out because it's rain outside. so i just stay at my sweetest home. what i did in home? i bought some snacks, and drinks and i did a lot of my assignment. you know guys? so many assignment that must to be solved.
beside that i had a chat via whatsapp with my best friends when senior high school. we shared about something that is not important. and we had a joke. and i told one of my best friend, rani she is ucsi malaysia students. and now, she had a holiday so that she back to indonesia. i asked her to draw me something. and she did it guysss... she draw me something about my name like a gravity i think. and you know???? she came to my house just for give that picture which drew by herself. she is very kind girl surely.....
beside that i had a chat via whatsapp with my best friends when senior high school. we shared about something that is not important. and we had a joke. and i told one of my best friend, rani she is ucsi malaysia students. and now, she had a holiday so that she back to indonesia. i asked her to draw me something. and she did it guysss... she draw me something about my name like a gravity i think. and you know???? she came to my house just for give that picture which drew by herself. she is very kind girl surely.....
golden retriever
hi guys... i wanna talking about my favorite dog. yes, i have a golden retriever dog. his name is jojo. i got it from my father's friend. he is 1 years old.
golden retriever is a medium sized breed of dog. they were historically developed as gundogs to retrieve shot waterfowl such as ducks and unpland game birds during hunting and shooting parties. they were named retriever because of their ability to retrieve game undamaged. golden retrievers have a instinctive love of water. they have a dense inner coat that provides them with adequate warmth and a water repellent outer coat that lies flat against their bodies. these dogs are well suited to suburban or country environments. although they need substantial outdoor exercise, they should be kept in a fenced area because of their instincts as hunting dogs and tendency to roam.
golden retrievers possess friendly, eager to please demenours and are the most popular family dog breed. i usually do my exercise such as jogging and cycling with jojo. i think it was fun if we did our exercise with our pets.
golden retriever is a medium sized breed of dog. they were historically developed as gundogs to retrieve shot waterfowl such as ducks and unpland game birds during hunting and shooting parties. they were named retriever because of their ability to retrieve game undamaged. golden retrievers have a instinctive love of water. they have a dense inner coat that provides them with adequate warmth and a water repellent outer coat that lies flat against their bodies. these dogs are well suited to suburban or country environments. although they need substantial outdoor exercise, they should be kept in a fenced area because of their instincts as hunting dogs and tendency to roam.
golden retrievers possess friendly, eager to please demenours and are the most popular family dog breed. i usually do my exercise such as jogging and cycling with jojo. i think it was fun if we did our exercise with our pets.
Friday, April 19, 2013
what does a business plan look like?
there is no standard format for a business plan, but there are many commen components of a business plan:
executive summary
table of contents
executive summary
table of contents
- statement of purpose
- company history
- business description
- products and services
- market analysis
- customers
- competition
- marketing strategy
- management
- operations
- financial plan
- appendices
many business plans will also include appendixes with additional information related to the business, its operations, its owners/managers, marketing/promotional plans, etc.
why develop a business plan?
in the book the enterpreneur's manual, Richard M.White, Jr. states that business plans are "road maps" for business creation: "you identify your origin, select a destination and plot the shortest distance between the two points"
true, a business plan is essentially a blueprint for a business. however, it alaso serves many other purposes:
true, a business plan is essentially a blueprint for a business. however, it alaso serves many other purposes:
- a business plan is detailed blueprint for the activities needed to establish a business (i.e. the details of a product or service, the market for that product or service and the management of the business providing that product or service).
- a business plan is also the 'yardstick' by which a business owner measures success in meeting stated goals and objectives.
- also, a business plan is a tool for obtaining a loan from a lending agency, or for attracting venture capital.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
what is business?
hello guys, because i am an accounting student that learn everything about business and accounting. so that i wanna tell you about business that i get this lesson in english business subject.
there are many activities for people in the world today, some people like to be employer, and others do not. actually, all activities are businesses, but now if someone talks about business, it must be economic activities which have correlation with profit and less.
some people define business as an activity or venture to provide profit. profit is gained after people doing something in economic activities such as trading, producing, negotiating, exploring, etc.
when people doing a business, we can call him as businessman. there are many things that one to do to be a businessmen. before running a business, he has to prepare himself and the following questions may help him:
1. what is a good business for us?
2. how much money should be invested?
3. where will the business be done?
4. what kinds of people do we need?
there are many activities for people in the world today, some people like to be employer, and others do not. actually, all activities are businesses, but now if someone talks about business, it must be economic activities which have correlation with profit and less.
some people define business as an activity or venture to provide profit. profit is gained after people doing something in economic activities such as trading, producing, negotiating, exploring, etc.
when people doing a business, we can call him as businessman. there are many things that one to do to be a businessmen. before running a business, he has to prepare himself and the following questions may help him:
1. what is a good business for us?
2. how much money should be invested?
3. where will the business be done?
4. what kinds of people do we need?
10 tips for public speaking
feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and even beneficial, but too much nervousness can be detrimental. here are some proven tips on how to control your butterflies and give better presentations:
- know your material. pick a topic you are interested in. know more about it that=n you include in your speech. use humor, personal stories and conversational language that way you won't easily forget what to say.
- practice.practice.practice! rehearse out loud with all equipment you plan on using. revise as necessary. work to control filler words; practice, pause and breathe. practice with a timer and allow time for the unexpected.
- know the audience. greet some of the audience members as they arrive. it's easier to speak to a group of friends than to strangers.
- know the room. arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and any visual aids.
- relax. begin by addressing the audience. it buys you time and calms your nerves. pause, smile and count to three before saying anything. (*one one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand. pause. begin). transform nervous energy into enthusiasm.
- visualize yourself giving your speech. imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear and confident. visualize the audience clapping, it will boost your confidence.
- realize that people want to succeed. audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating, informative and entertaining. they're rooting for you.
- don't apologize for any nervousness or problem, the audience probably never noticed it.
- concentrate on the message-not the medium. focus your attention away from your own anxieties and concentrate on your message and your audience.
- gain experience. mainly, your speech should represent you as an authority and as a person. experience builds confidence, which is the key to effective speaking.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
evening beverage
hello guyyssss... in this evening i cooked fried banana by myself. yes, this is one of my favorite beverage that i usually cooked in the evening. just a simple way to get the delicious fried banana guys. and i wanna share it.
- 1 ripe black-skinned plantain or 4 small finger banana (make sure that the banana is sweet guys)
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp. sugar
- 6 tbs. flour
- water
- a pinch of salt
- vegetable oil for deep frying
steps :
1. place flour in a deep mixing bowl. make well in the middle of the flour, and add egg, sugar and salt. add water little by little. whisk vigorously until batter is evenly smooth for coasting and not too thin. if it is too thin, add more flour.
2. peel plantain or banana and cut in half lengthwise and then cut again with 4-inch width. dip into batter to coat generously.
3. heat oil in a wok or deep fryer until moderately hot. place coated plantain or banana in the wok or deep fryer and fry slowly until golden brown and crispy. this usually take approximately 10-15 minutes. remove bananas from oil, drain on paper napkins and dry well.
4. serve while still warm.
- 1 ripe black-skinned plantain or 4 small finger banana (make sure that the banana is sweet guys)
- 1 egg
- 1 tsp. sugar
- 6 tbs. flour
- water
- a pinch of salt
- vegetable oil for deep frying
steps :
1. place flour in a deep mixing bowl. make well in the middle of the flour, and add egg, sugar and salt. add water little by little. whisk vigorously until batter is evenly smooth for coasting and not too thin. if it is too thin, add more flour.
2. peel plantain or banana and cut in half lengthwise and then cut again with 4-inch width. dip into batter to coat generously.
3. heat oil in a wok or deep fryer until moderately hot. place coated plantain or banana in the wok or deep fryer and fry slowly until golden brown and crispy. this usually take approximately 10-15 minutes. remove bananas from oil, drain on paper napkins and dry well.
4. serve while still warm.
the avengers
hiiiii... this is about my favorite movie in 2012 guys. it is marvel's the avengers. the avengers is a 2012 american superhero film produced by marvel studios and distributed by walt disney studios motion pictures,based on the marvel comics superhero team of the same name. it is the sixth installment in the marvel cinematic universe. the film is scripted and directed by joss whedon and features an ensemble cast that includes robert downey jr., chris evans, mark rufallo, cobie smulders, stellan skarsgard and samuel l. jackson. in the film, nick fury, director of the peacekeeping organization s.h.i.e.l.d., recruits iron man, captain america, hulk, and thor to form a team that must stop thor's adoptive brother loki from subjugating earth.
i watched this film with all of my best friends in senior high school guys. we were so interested with this awesome film. so that, we spent a few time of our weekend to watched this film.
i watched this film with all of my best friends in senior high school guys. we were so interested with this awesome film. so that, we spent a few time of our weekend to watched this film.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
pray for boston
on april 15th, 2013 two pressure cooker bombs exploded without warning during the 2013 boston marathon. this accident killing 3 people and injuring 176 others. the bombs were placed near the finish line, along bolyston street.
boston marathon is the event's oldest annual marathon in the world and also one of the most well known sporting event in the world guys. since 1897, the authority organizing this event held boston athletic association (baa). in this race anyway, amateur and professional runners from around the world compete challenging hilly new england terrain and various weather for maraih victory.
my deepest condolence for the boston marathon bombing. of course, this accident absolutely breaks my heart. when is it gonna stop???? rest in peace all of the victim of boston.
boston marathon is the event's oldest annual marathon in the world and also one of the most well known sporting event in the world guys. since 1897, the authority organizing this event held boston athletic association (baa). in this race anyway, amateur and professional runners from around the world compete challenging hilly new england terrain and various weather for maraih victory.
my deepest condolence for the boston marathon bombing. of course, this accident absolutely breaks my heart. when is it gonna stop???? rest in peace all of the victim of boston.
favorite place called j.co
hello guys.... actually i don't what i will tell you again. so many thing that i tell to all of you. but i had a inspiration. yes this is about one of my favorite place to spent my time. it is..... j.co donuts and coffee. actually, this is not the only one my favorite place guys. there are so many places that i love so much.
j.co donuts and coffee is a cafe retailer in indonesia specializing in donuts, frozen yogurt and coffee. why i love this place???? because this place is so comfortable for me guys. and i love the frozen yogurt of j.co. not only the frozen yogurt, i love all of the beverage menu there.
j.co donuts and coffee is a cafe retailer in indonesia specializing in donuts, frozen yogurt and coffee. why i love this place???? because this place is so comfortable for me guys. and i love the frozen yogurt of j.co. not only the frozen yogurt, i love all of the beverage menu there.
Monday, April 15, 2013
sempu island
sempu is an island located 800 meters from the southern coast of the province of east java in indonesia, about 70 kilometers south of the city of malang. the island is 3.9 kilometers long and 3.6 kilometers wide. its topography is lagerly rolling hills whose altitude rangers from 50 to 100 meters above sea level. the coastline consists mainly of limestone cliffs characteristics of the facade of the islands of java in the indian ocean
sempu is accessed from the village of sendang biru, the most important fishing port on the south coast of java.
sempu is accessed from the village of sendang biru, the most important fishing port on the south coast of java.
gunung kidul
gunung kidul is a regency in the southeast part of the province of yogyakarta special region, indonesia. the regency (the name of which means south hills in javanese) is bordered by the city of yogyakarta to the north west, bantul regency to the west, sleman regency to the north west and the indian ocean to the south.
gunung kidul is in a karst region. this leads to difficult geography for farmers and contributes to considerable poverty. the southern coastal of gunung kidul is rough and wild but exotic with several beautiful beaches: Baron, Kukup, Krakal, Drini, Sepanjang, Sundak, Siung, Wediombo and Sadeng. some of these beaches provide fresh fishand other sea product supplied by local fisherman.
you know guys?? i wanna go to this place on next holiday....
gunung kidul is in a karst region. this leads to difficult geography for farmers and contributes to considerable poverty. the southern coastal of gunung kidul is rough and wild but exotic with several beautiful beaches: Baron, Kukup, Krakal, Drini, Sepanjang, Sundak, Siung, Wediombo and Sadeng. some of these beaches provide fresh fishand other sea product supplied by local fisherman.
you know guys?? i wanna go to this place on next holiday....
Sunday, April 14, 2013
national exam
hello guys, tomorrow is the first day of national examination for third grade in senior high school. good luck for my junior in 1 senior high school semarang, god bless you all. don't forget to pray to your god. i know you can do it guys....
and this day remember me about last year before i did my national exam. you know guys?? one day before national examination day, i just got home from hospital. because i had unwell condition, so that i must to be hospitalized. i got a sick for 3 days. and i force myself to eat or drink everything so that i can join national examination. some people gave me a support especially the big family of smansa semarang '12. and i thank to god, because in the first day i can join the national examination
and this day remember me about last year before i did my national exam. you know guys?? one day before national examination day, i just got home from hospital. because i had unwell condition, so that i must to be hospitalized. i got a sick for 3 days. and i force myself to eat or drink everything so that i can join national examination. some people gave me a support especially the big family of smansa semarang '12. and i thank to god, because in the first day i can join the national examination
once again, good luck for my junior of 1 senior high school, do the best!!! god bless you all.
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